Sunday, February 3, 2019

Love Tariffs

Love Tariffs

When Somebody Loves You!🚀♨️❤💋🎸👅

Chasing Love can be a wavy journey with a negative balance and your Heart in Foul Waters.

I appreciate this unconventional domination of exported concerns. It is no Tariffs on your love. You are not trading off goods to be serviced in the sheets. • 

You just loving my personality and I will not look back now. My mother gave me that advice when my father died.I always use that theory in life or liken it to Lott's wife.

I thank God for allowing me to see Romance is not dead. Real men still are here; like when men in my parents generations. 

When lover trade war over; both will emerge off the imaginary China Sea of battles fought and lost on the Romantic surface of wavy churning froth of feelings victorious.